Columbia China 投资 1.5 亿美元新建的嘉兴凯宜医院正式动工 Columbia China starts construction on $150M hospital in Jiaxing, China

2019-07-30 15:06 来源:哥伦比亚医疗集团 作者:
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Columbia China(以下简称「集团」)是由总部位于美国西雅图的哥伦比亚太平洋管理集团和新加坡投资公司淡马锡各持股 50% 的外资医疗集团。2017 年 8 月 23 日,Columbia China 投资新建的嘉兴凯宜医院正式动工。

嘉兴凯宜医院将是一家拥有 500 张床位的外资综合医院,计划 2019 年开业,总投资额达到 1.5 亿美元(10 亿人民币)。这是 Columbia China 在中国第二家投资新建的医院。

集团旗下目前有一家 232 张床位的上海开元骨科医院,两个全科诊所以及三家位于上海和北京的高端养老机构。此外,集团还在长三角布局了很多新的医院与养老项目。


嘉兴市位于浙江省东北部,接轨上海,人口 450 万。此次集团选择落户嘉兴不仅是因为它的战略位置,更是看中当地对优质医疗服务的巨大需求。医院所在的嘉兴经济技术开发区又是嘉兴市先进制造业、现代服务业和城市化发展的重要平台。

嘉兴凯宜医院从拿地到开工只用了 8 个月的时间。

Columbia China 集团首席执行官陈美兰女士表示,「这是中国众多外资医院中,进展最快的项目。如果没有嘉兴政府的高效与决心,这是不可能实现的。Columbia China 必定会为嘉兴引进更多国际化的人才与医疗资源,来满足当地老百姓对优质医疗服务的需求。」

嘉兴凯宜医院将按照 JCI 认证的标准来建设,总建筑面积 12 万平方米,配备 500 张病床,10 间现代化数字手术室,6 间产休一体化产房以及国际一线品牌的诊断设备。医院将以患者为中心,利用尖端诊疗技术,提供全生命周期的健康管理。医院同时接受医保与商业保险。

「Columbia China 会时刻以客户为中心,力求为他们提供最高品质的医疗服务。」哥伦比亚太平洋集团 (CPM) 董事总经理,Nate McLemore 先生表示,「非常高兴能到嘉兴投资建设嘉兴凯宜医院,我们会让『凯宜医疗』和『凯健养老』成为值得信赖的一线品牌,为大家提供国际一流的服务。」

JIAXING – Columbia China, a 50-50 joint venture between Seattle’s Columbia Pacific Management and Singapore investment company Temasek, started construction today on a 500-bed multi-specialty hospital in Zhejiang Province.

Columbia Jiaxing Hospital, which is set to open in 2019, will cost US$150 million (RMB1 billion) to construct and is Columbia China’s second greenfield hospital.

Columbia China currently operates Shanghai Kaiyuan Orthopedic Hospital (232 beds), two multi-specialty clinics, and three senior living facilities in Shanghai and Beijing. The company also has a growing pipeline of other projects, including hospitals and senior living facilities.

Jiaxing was chosen for the city’s strategic location in Zhejiang Province and its population of 4.5m with strong demand for quality healthcare services. The hospital will be located within the Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which has been positioned by the Jiaxing government as a platform for local advanced manufacturing, modern services and urbanization.

Columbia China broke ground on the new hospital today just eight months after acquiring the land.

「The speed is unprecedented and unheard of in China for a foreign hospital investment,」said Bee Lan Tan, President & Group CEO of Columbia China.「This would not have been possible without the commitment and efficiency of the Jiaxing government. Columbia China remains dedicated to bringing more international talent and resources to Jiaxing, so that the needs of the local population can be well served.」

Columbia Jiaxing Hospital will be built in accordance to Joint Commission International (JCI) standards. Upon completion, it will have a construction floor area of 120,000 square meters, with 500 beds, 10 operating theatres, 6 Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum (LDRP) rooms, and advanced diagnostic equipment.

The hospital will provide holistic patient centric care using state-of-the-art medical technology. Patients will be able to use their public and commercial medical insurance.

「Columbia China strives to deliver the highest level of healthcare quality and service by putting patients at the center of everything we do,」said Nate McLemore, Managing Director of Columbia Pacific Management.「We are excited to open a hospital in Jiaxing and are extremely committed to delivering world-class care across China with Columbia China hospitals and Cascade (Kaijian) senior living.」

编辑: 丁吕瑾

