2016 年 10 月 26 日上午,上海开元骨科医院十周年暨装修改造落成庆典活动在上海开元骨科医院隆重举行。上海市相关部门的领导,Columbia 太平洋集团公司董事总经理 Nate McLemore,Columbia 中国集团总裁陈美兰女士,以及来自海内外的嘉宾、全国各地的专家、学者齐聚一堂。
Columbia 中国集团高级副总裁,上海开元骨科医院董事长兼总经理张庆舒先生介绍:「上海开元骨科医院是 Columbia 中国集团投资并管理的一家专业化,国际化的骨科医院,是上海市卫生和计划生育委员会批准设置的浦东新区唯一的四星级专业骨科示范医院,也是上海首家骨科医保定点医疗机构。」上海开元骨科医院建院十年来,一路披荆斩棘,从最初的 99 张床位的一级骨科医院,发展成 232 张床位的二级骨科医院,形成了以关节外科、脊柱外科、微创骨科为主导,以骨科、康复一体化、病人全程管理为诊疗模式,以康复医学科、中医科为特色的中、西医结合骨科临床特色。医院工作得到了政府和社会的高度赞扬和肯定,荣获「上海市诚信企业」、「上海市四星级示范单位」、「上海市社会医疗机构优势专科」、「上海市社会医疗机构特色专病」、「上海浦东新区骨科重点学科」等 10 多项荣誉称号。
2015 年底,Columbia 中国邀请全球知名的医疗建筑规划设计公司「B+H」,全面按照现代化三级骨科医院标准,以「在花园中漫步」为设计理念对医院进行全面改造,目的的是使患者的就医环境更人性化、更贴近自然,使医院更加规范化、现代化、国际化。在改建后的今天,医院总面积已增至 20,000 多平方米,床位增至 232 张,并建设了国际高端标准的 VIP 特需院区,无障碍特需病房,在原有 1 间百级净化、3 间千级手术室情况下,又增加了 2 间千级净化日间手术室,建立了 ICU 重症监护室,添置了 GE3.0T MRI 和 GE64 排 128 层螺旋 CT,以及购置了全套进口康复设备,全面提升了医疗技术水平。」
「上海开元骨科医院积极奉行「诚信、仁爱、协作、敬业」的核心价值观, 大力实施人才兴院策略,在关节外科、脊柱外科、微创骨科等专业建立了具有国际水准的骨科品牌特色,塑造了一支具有良好专业技能和高凝聚力的专业团队。」Columbia 中国总裁顾问兼上海开元骨科医院院长吴海山教授介绍:」上海开元骨科医院的发展,离不开政府、社会和广大患者的支持,在建院十周年之际,为了用实际行动回馈社会和患者,院庆期间将实行门诊、住院优惠。」
Columbia 中国集团总裁陈美兰女士最后表示:「Columbia 太平洋管理集团和淡马锡集团作为 Columbia 中国的股东,将一如既往地对上海开元骨科医院的长远发展给予大力的支持。我们会继续以病人及客户为先的原则,致力为他们提供最高品质的医疗服务和就医体验。这包括尖端的诊疗技术及现代化、舒适的医疗环境,培养和吸引高素质、经验丰富的医疗及护理团队。让哥伦比亚中国成为值得信赖的,国际一流的医疗机构。」
Columbia China this week is celebrating the reopening of the 232-bed Shanghai Kaiyuan Orthopedic Hospital as an Orthopedic Center of Excellence operating at the highest international standards.
Columbia China spent $75 million USD ($500 million RMB) to acquire and retrofit the Kaiyuan hospital in Shanghai’s Pudong District.
The reopening is part of Columbia China’s plans to expand in China through both acquisitions and greenfield projects and to provide China’s growing middle-class population with affordable, patient-centered care across a spectrum of healthcare and senior services.
「While we aggressively develop our own hospitals from the ground up, we are also always looking for opportunities to acquire hospitals and use our decades of healthcare experience to upgrade the building, services, technology and training to international standards,」said Nate McLemore, Managing Director of Columbia Pacific Management, one of Columbia China’s parent companies.
After buying the Kaiyuan hospital last year, Columbia China hired Dr. Wu Haishan, one of China’s most well known orthopedic surgeons, as President of the newly acquired hospital. Dr. Wu retired last year from the public health system after more than 30 years. He most recently served as Chief Physician of the Orthopedics department at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, and as Professor of Joint Surgery at the Second Military Medical University in Shanghai.
He’s the editor of several textbooks on orthopedic surgery and the author of more than 80 published papers. He’s also an officer of several professional groups, including Vice President of the Arthroplasty Surgery Society of the Chinese Orthopaedic Association.
Columbia China’s retrofit of the Kaiyuan hospital is designed by one of the largest architecture firms in the world, B+H Architects, and provides a welcoming and healing environment while also maximizing healthcare efficiencies.
The retrofit expanded the hospital from 200 to 232 beds and from four to six operating theaters, and added a new facade, lobby, all new inpatient and outpatient rooms, rehabilitation areas and upgraded equipment, including new MRI and CT scanners.
The reopening of the Kaiyuan hospital as an Orthopedic Center of Excellence was marked this week with a celebration attended by government leaders, business partners, medical experts and other distinguished guests from around China and overseas.
「The Shanghai Kaiyuan Orthopedic Hospital is positioned to be the Orthopedic Center of Excellence in joint, spine, minimally invasive surgeries and sports medicine, with the highest standards recognized around the world,」said Bee Lan Tan, President & Group CEO of Columbia China.
Columbia China is a joint venture between Temasek, the Singapore investment company, and Seattle’s Columbia Pacific Management, one of the largest and fastest-growing healthcare providers in Asia. Besides the Kaiyuan hospital, Columbia China has two multi-specialty clinics and three senior living facilities in Shanghai and Beijing. The company is also developing three multi-specialty hospitals of 300-500 beds, in Wuxi, Jiaxing and Changzhou, as well as a 300-bed senior living facility in Ningbo and a growing pipeline of other projects across China.
Columbia Pacific Management has been operating in Asia for 20 years. Columbia China’s expansion is similar to the network of hospitals that Columbia Pacific Management owns in India and Southeast Asia through another affiliate, Columbia Asia.
Columbia Asia opened its first hospital in Malaysia in 1996 and over two decades has developed one of the largest hospital companies in Asia, with 27 hospitals and two clinics delivering high-quality, affordable and standardized care.