淡马锡 2.5 亿美元投资 Columbia 太平洋集团中国业务 Temasek invests $250M in Columbia Pacific’s China operations

2019-07-30 14:47 来源:哥伦比亚医疗集团 作者:
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亚洲规模最大、增长最迅速的医疗保健服务提供商之一的 Columbia 太平洋管理集团与总部位于新加坡的投资公司淡马锡最新合作投资成立一家合资公司。该公司致力于为中国不断扩大的中等收入人群提供高性价比且始终以患者为中心的医疗保健与养老服务。

Columbia 太平洋管理集团总部位于美国西雅图,作为其在中国的医疗保健服务分支机构,Columbia 中国将获得淡马锡约 2.5 亿美金的注资。新公司成立后,淡马锡与 Columbia 太平洋管理集团将各拥有 50% 的股权。Columbia 中国拥有一家 220 张床位的骨科医院、两家综合及专科诊所和三家养老机构,分别分布在上海和北京。Columbia 中国目前正在无锡、嘉兴和常州筹建三家分别拥有 300 到 500 张床位的综合医院,以及在宁波筹建一家 300 张床位的养老机构,其他多个新项目的筹建工作也正在中国全面展开。

此次与淡马锡的合作将助力 Columbia 中国通过收购以及新项目的开发进一步拓展其在中国的业务。

「自五年前进入中国市场至今,我们已经在中国迅速建立起了一支强大的团队,」Columbia 中国集团首席执行官陈美兰女士表示,「借助淡马锡的大力支持,我们期待将继续加快我们的发展。」

「中国对于国际标准的医疗保健和养老服务的需求可谓前所未有,并且与日俱增,」Columbia 太平洋管理集团董事总经理 Nate McLemore 说,「我们对于能有淡马锡这样的合作伙伴感到非常兴奋,因为淡马锡不仅与我们同样拥有为中国的病患和年长者提供高质量的医疗保健服务的美好愿景,更有在中国及全球其他市场成功投资的长期经验与业绩。」

Columbia 太平洋管理集团已在亚洲运营 20 年,该集团在中国的发展与其下属另一家在印度和东南亚拥有连锁医院的分公司 Columbia 亚洲 非常相似。

Columbia 亚洲于 1996 年在马来西亚成立第一家医院,此后二十年间发展成亚洲最大的医院集团公司之一,迄今拥有 27 家医院和两家诊所,致力于提供高质平价而且标准化的医疗保健服务。

Columbia 太平洋管理集团致力于在中国市场的长期发展,2011 年成为首家获中国政府批准在华设立养老护理机构的外资企业,目前下属三家养老机构,其中北京一家、上海两家。Columbia 太平洋管理集团还在上海收购了一家有 220 张床位的骨科医院以及两家综合及专科诊所。

Columbia 太平洋管理集团聚焦于大型城市,目前分别正在无锡(640 万人口)、嘉兴(450 万人口)以及常州(460 万人口)筹建三家医院,每家医院设计将容纳 300 至 500 张床位,将为中国快速增长的中等收入人群提供全方位的医疗保健服务。


Columbia Pacific Management, one of the largest and fastest-growing healthcare providers in Asia, is partnering with Temasek, an investment company based in Singapore, on a joint venture that will provide China’s growing middle-class population with affordable, patient-centered care across a spectrum of healthcare and senior services.

Temasek is investing about $250 million USD in Columbia China, the China healthcare arm of Seattle’s Columbia Pacific Management, which will result in a 50/50 joint venture with Columbia Pacific. Columbia China currently has a 220-bed orthopedic hospital, two multi-specialty clinics and three senior living facilities in Shanghai and Beijing. The company is also developing three multi-specialty hospitals of 300-500 beds, in Wuxi, Jiaxing and Changzhou, as well as a 300-bed senior living facility in Ningbo and a growing pipeline of other projects across China.

The partnership with Temasek will enable Columbia China to further expand in China through acquisitions and greenfield projects.

「We’ve already built a strong team in China that has quickly expanded since we first entered the China market five years ago,」said Bee Lan Tan, Group CEO of Columbia China.「With such valued support from Temasek, we look forward to continuing to accelerate our growth.」

「China’s demand for healthcare services and senior living at international standards is unprecedented and growing every day,」said Nate McLemore, Managing Director of Columbia Pacific Management.「We are thrilled to have a partner like Temasek that has both a shared vision of providing high quality healthcare to Chinese patients and seniors, as well as a long track record of successful investments in China and around the world.」

Columbia Pacific Management has been operating in Asia for 20 years. The company’s expansion in China is similar to the network of hospitals the company owns in India and Southeast Asia through another affiliate, Columbia Asia.

Columbia Asia opened its first hospital in Malaysia in 1996 and over two decades has developed one of the largest hospital companies in Asia, with 27 hospitals and two clinics delivering high-quality, affordable and standardized care.

Columbia Pacific is committed to the China market. In 2011 the firm became the first foreign-owned company to receive permission from the Chinese government to build senior care facilities in China and now has three senior care facilities: one in Beijing and two in Shanghai. Columbia Pacific went on to acquire a 220-bed orthopedic hospital and two multi-specialty clinics in Shanghai.

Columbia Pacific is focusing on large cities – the three hospitals of 300-500 beds under development are in Wuxi (6.4 million), Jiaxing (4.5 million) and Changzhou (4.6 million) – with facilities designed to serve the wide-ranging medical needs of China’s fast-growing middle class.

编辑: 丁吕瑾



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